Wednesday, October 28, 2015


ON & ON NutriON Combo Kit - 850 GM

Meeting the ever increasing requirements of fast growing human population should not be at the cost of future generations. In today's era, in the race to get more & more yield, farmers are doing indiscriminate use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers due to which the quality of food has deteriorated.
The nutrients required by the plant during its various growth stages are missing from the soil due to which the crop quality & yield is a huge challenge today.


NutriON from On&On Agro is the solution. It is a unique technology for quality crop production without any harmful effect on soil or on the yield. It assures balanced nutrition at different stages of the plant growth. NutriON pack consists of two products - SoilON & PlantON.
PlantON provides various nutrients at all stages of plant growth and SoilON provides right porosity, aeration and power to hold vital elements to the soil. The double action formula works through Plant root as well as leaves for nutrient delivery right at the time when it is needed. It enables plant to absorb nutrient & growth promoting molecules from foliage and rhizome. It acts as stress buster and is useful for germination, vegetative growth and helps reproductive growth of the plant so as to get better quality and quantity of the agriculture yield.

Key Features:

  • Unique 4 stage treatment which can be mixed with chemical as well as bio pesticides & biofertilizers
  • It acts as catalyst for various soil bio chemical and microbial reactions
  • Improves beneficial microflora soil
  • Prepares soil for better plant & crops
  • Helps crop to gain maximum yield
  • Increases speed of seed germination process
  • Supports various enzymic reactions during growth, ensures healthy flowering
  • Enhances immune system & facilitates nutrient flow
  • It can be mixed with chemical as well as biopesticides, biofertilizers
  • It Is safer to environment and human being.


BrandOn & On
Product Weight850 GM

NutriOn FAQ's

1. What is NutriOn.?NutriOn is system enhancer, which helps plant to grow healthy plant.
2. What things are in NutriOn box?SoilOn-1pouch, NutriOn (1,2&3) one pouch each, 1 spoon, 1 literature and 1 CD .
3. Which pack sizes available.?A box containing SoilOn and Plant on 1,2,and 3
4. What is shelf life of NutriOn.?2 years
5. How to mix NutriOn in water.?Take desired amount in dropper and add it in water, mix thoroughly and spray.
6. How to use NutriOn PlantOn-Spray on plant leaf, ensure full coverageSoilOn-Drench in root or put in soil
7. Is there any difference in dose.?
Difference in dose accoerding to spray equpment(spray pump)No
Is dose differs according to cropNo
Is dose differs accordinf to agro climatic zone (e.g. Kankan, Vidarbha, Himalaya region)No
8. Can we store it in sunlight.?No, store in cool and dry place.
9. Is NutriOn safe for human being.?Yes, if used as per recommendations.
10. What care should be taken while handling NutriOn.?Avoid ingestion, eye and dermal contact, keep away from children
11. What time is suitable to spray NutriOn.?Any, Generally any agrochemical is advised not to use in hot sun.
12. Which crop is best to be sprayed with NutriOn.?All crops
13. Which spray pump is best for NutriOn application.?All spray equipment
14. Can we use half used tank solution afterwards.?Not recommended
15. Can we use NutriOn with seeds.?Yes
16. Can it cause scorching to the plant.?Not, it used at recommended dose
17. What to do if NutriOn goes in eyes.?Wash with plenty of water, consult physician if needed.
18. What to do if NutriOn is ingested.?Induce vomiting with brine water, consult physician.
19. Can NutriOn used in preventive doses.?Yes, at 0.25ml/lit water
20. Can spray magic in preventive doses.?Yes, at 0.5ml/lit water
21. On which crops can we use NutriOn
Can we use NutriOn in BananaYes
Can we use NutriOn in SugarcaneYes
Can we use NutriOn in cottonYes
Can we use NutriOn in TomatoYes
Can we use NutriOn in Bajara and JowarYes
Can we use NutriOn in MaizeYes
Can we use NutriOn in potatoYes
Can we use NutriOn in medicinal plantsYes
Can we use NutriOn in grapesYes
Can we use NutriOn in pomegranateYes
Can we use NutriOn in beetle vineYes
Can we use NutriOn in spices and condimentsYes
Can we use NutriOn in forest cropsYes
Can we use NutriOn in cashewYes
Can we use NutriOn in greenhousesYes
Can we use NutriOn in dry land agricultureYes
Can we use NutriOn in pulsesYes
Can we use NutriOn in melonsYes
Can we use NutriOn in gourdsYes
Can we use NutriOn in lawnsYes
Can we use NutriOn in soybeanYes
Can we use NutriOn in animal feed cropYes
22. Can we reuse NutriOn empty bottle.?No, Destroy bottle after use
23. Is NutriOn pesticide.?No
23. Is NutriOn pesticide.?No, it improves nutrient uptake from soil. Its system enhancer
25. Can we use NutriON for feeding.?No, it is only for Agricultural use
26. Is NutriOn plant growth product.?No, but it improves performance of PGR
27. It NutriOn improves plant growth.?Yes, it contributes growth indirectly by enhancing effect of other products.
28. What are the USPs of spray magic.?Healthy growth,Yield enhancer and organic product
29. Since NutriOn has penetration effect will it make pesticide accumulate in fruits and vegetables.?No, it get metabolized after certain period
30. Is it toxic or Hazardous.?
is it toxicNo
Is it hazardousNo
Is it InflammableNo
31. Should we use fertilizer, if using NutriOn.?NutriOn is not fertilizer. You have to stick to nutrient doses. In future it can reduce fertilizer doses.

PlantOn FAQ's

1. What is PlantOn?PlantOn is system enhancer, improves crop yield and health
2 What is Dose?PlantOn-1: 150gm/acre
PlantOn -2: 200gm/acre
PlantOn-3: 250gm/acre
3. Which pack sizes available?PlantOn-1: 150gm
PlantOn -2: 200gm
PlantOn-3: 250gm
4. What is shelf life of PlantOn?2 years
5. How to mix PlantOn iin water.?Take one packet of plantOn, mix it in desired amount of water and spray over one acre
6.How to spray PlantOn.?Spray on plant leaf, ensure full coverage.
7.Can it be applied in soil.?Yes
8. Can we mix SprayMagic in PlantOn.?Yes, at 0.25ml sprayMagic /lit of water.
9. Can it be applied in plant root.?Yes
10.Can it be mixed with other chemicals pesticides.?Yes
11.Can it be mixed with other chemical fertilizers?Yes
12. Can PlantOn used in weedicides?Not recommended
13. Can it be mixed with other plant growth regulators/promoters?Yes
14. Can it be mixed with other organic/biopesticides?Yes
15. Can it be mixed with other organic/biofertilizers?Yes
16. Can it be mixed with cow urine?Yes, Cow urine enhances its activity
17. How to get more result of PlantOn?Add cow urine or buttermilk@ 500ml/acre in PlantOn spray.
18. Is dose differ according to spray equipment (spray pump) ?No
19. Is dose differs according to crop?No
20. Is dose differs according to insect or disease?No
21. Is dose differs according to soil type of the farm?No
22. Is dose differs according to agro climatic zone (e.g. Kankan, Vidarbha, Himalayan region) ?No
23. Can we store it in sunlight?No, store in cool and dry place.
24. Is there speciic water needed for PlantOn spray?No, any water like river, canal, and borewell can be used.
25. Can PlantOn mixed in hard water?Yes
26. Is PlantOn safe for human being.?Yes, if used as per recommendations.
27.What care should be taken while handling PlantOn.?Avoid ingestion, eye and dernal contact keep away from children
28. What time is suitable to spray PlantOn.?Any, Generally any agrochemical is advised not to use in hot sun.
29. Which crop is best.?All crops
30. Which spray pump is the best for PlantOn application.?All spray equipment .
31. Can we use half used tank solution afterwards.?Not recommended, inish whole solution same day only. Next day prepare fresh solution.
32. Can PlantOn used in bordeaux mixture?Yes, make sure that pH of bordeaux mixture is neutral
33. Can it cause scorching to the plant?Not, if used at recommended dose
34. What to do if PlantOn goes in eyes?Wash with plenty of water, consult physician if needed.
35. What to do if PlantOn is ingested?Induce vomiting with brine water, consult physician.
36. Can PlantOn used in preventive doses?Yes
37. Can PlantOn used in curative doses?Yes
38 Can use on following crops ?
Can we use PlantOn in Banana?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in sugarcane?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in cotton?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in tomato?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in Bajara and Jowar?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in Maize?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in potato?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in medicinal plants?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in grapes?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in pomegranate?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in beetle vine?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in spices and condiments?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in forest crops?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in cashew?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in greenhouses?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in dry land agriculture?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in pulses?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in melons?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in gourds?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in lawns?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in soybean?Yes
Can we use PlantOn in animal feed crop?Yes
38. Can we use PlantOn for animal feeding.?No, Recommended only for agricultural use
39. Can we reuse PlantOn empty Bottle.?No, Destroy packet after use.
40. Is PlantOn pesticide.?No
41. Is PlantOn fertilizer.?No, but it improves perfomance of fertilizer
42. Is PlantOn plant growth product.?No, but it improves perfomance of PGR
43. It PlantOn improves plant growth.?Yes, it contributes growth directly by enhancing plant systems
44. What are the USPs of PlantOn?Healthy plant growth, high yield and organic product.
45. Is it toxic?No
46. Is it hazardous?No
47. Is it inflammable?No
48. When to use PlantOn-1?At initial phase, i.e. germination of plant
49. When to use PlantOn-2?At stem frame development stage, after 15 days to 1month of sowing
50. When to use PlantOn-3?At the time of lower and fruit setting
51. Can we use plantOn-1 when crop is big?Yes
52. Can we use plantOn-1and 2 when crop is under lowering and fruiting?Yes
53. Can we use plantOn-2&3 when crop is in germination stage?No, that time plant on-1 is suficient

SoilOn FAQ's

1. What is SoilOn?SoilOn is soil fertility enhancer and conditioner
2. What is Dose?250 gm for one acre of farm
3. Which pack sizes available?250gm
4. What is shelf life of SoilOn?2 years
5. How to mix SoilOn in water?Take one packet of SoilOn, mix in appropriate amount of water and drench in root.
6. How to use SoilOn for root drenching?Spray on plant leaf, ensure full coverage
7. How to use SoilOn as soil application.?Mix soilOn one pack of in 100-200kg soil/compost/manure. Mix and apply and spread in the field.
8. Can it be applied in soil.?Yes
9. Can it be applied in plant root.?Yes
10. Can it be used in flood irrigation.?Yes
11. Can it be used in drip irrigation system.?Yes, make solution in 20-30 litre water and apply through drip.
12. Can it be mixed with other chemical fertilizer.?Yes
13. Can SoilOn used in weedicides?Not recommended
14. Can it be mixed with other plant growth regulators/promoters?Yes
15. Can be mixed with ?
Can it be mixed with other organic/biopesticides?Yes
Can it be mixed with other organic/biofertilizers?Yes
Can it be mixed with cow dung?Yes
Can it be mixed with cow urine?Yes
Can it be mixed with organic manure?Yes
Can it be mixed with compost?Yes
16. Is dose differs according to crop?No, dose is same for all crops
17. Is dose differs according to soil type of the farm?No
18. Is dose differs according to agro climatic zone (e.g. Kankan, Vidarbha, Himalayan region) ?No
19. Can we store it in sunlight?No, store in cool and dry place.
20 Is there speciic water needed for SoilOn application?No, any water like river, canal, and boarwell can be used.
21. Can SoilOn mixed in hard water?Yes
22. Is SoilOn safe for human being?Yes, if used as per recommendations
23.What care should be taken while handling SoilOn?Avoid ingestion, eye and dermal contact, keep away from children
24. What time is suitable to spray SoilOn?Any, Generally any agrochemical is advised not to use in hot sun.
25. Which crop is best to be sprayed with SoilOn?All crops
26. Can we use half used tank solution afterwards?Not recommended, .
27. Can we use SoilOn with seeds.?Yes, Add 2-3gm soil for 1kg seeds
28. Can it cause scorching to the plant.?Not, if used at recommended dose
29. What to do if SoilOn goes into eyes.?Wash with plenty of water, consult physician if needed.
30. What to do if SoilOn is ingested.?Induce vomiting with brine water, consult physician.
31. On which crops we can use soilON.?
Can we use SoilOn in Banana ?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in sugarcane?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in cotton?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in tomato?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in Bajara and Jowar?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in Maize?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in potato?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in medicinal plants?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in grapes?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in pomegranate?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in beetle vine?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in spices and condiments?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in forest crops?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in cashew?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in greenhouses?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in dry land agriculture?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in pulses?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in melons?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in gourds?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in lawns?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in soybean?Yes
Can we use SoilOn in animal feed crop?Yes
32. How to use in submerge crops like paddy?Broadcast in field
33. Can we reuse SoilOn empty pack?No, Destroy bottle after use
34. Is SoilOn pesticide?No
35. Is SoilOn fertilizer?No, but it improves performance of fertilizer
36. Is SoilOn plant growth product?No, but it improves soil fertility
37. It SoilOn improves plant growth?Yes, it contributes growth by improving fertility and enhance the effect of other products
38. What are the USPs of SoilOn.?Fertility improver, growth improver and organic products.
39. Is it toxic?No
40. Is it hazardous?No
41. Is it inflammable?No
42. Will SoilOn reduce dose of fertilizer.?Yes, It chelates nutrients and makes them slow release

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